IEEE COOL Chips 25で2件の論文を発表します(4/20, 2022)

Naoko Misawa, Chihiro Matsui and Ken Takeuchi, “Compact and Tunable ReRAM Computation-in-Memory for Log-encoding Simulated Annealing,” IEEE Symp. on Low-Power and High-Speed Chips and Systems (Cool Chips 25) Poster, April 20, 2022.

Kazuhide Higuchi, Chihiro Matsui, Naoko Misawa and Ken Takeuchi, “Simulation Platform of Computation-in-Memory with Memory Device Non-idealities for DNN,” IEEE Symp. on Low-Power and High-Speed Chips and Systems (Cool Chips 25) Poster, April 20, 2022.

HOME お知らせ IEEE COOL Chips 25で2件の論文を発表します(4/20, 2022)