Two Journal Publications at Japanese Journal of Applied Physics(JJAP)(February 6-14, 2023)

Chihiro Matsui, Eitaro Kobayashi, Naoko Misawa and Ken Takeuchi, “Comprehensive analysis on error-robustness of FeFET computation-in-memory for hyperdimensional computing,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP), vol. 62, pp. SC1053, February 6, 2023.
Kazuhide Higuchi, Tomoki Kobayashi, Naoko Misawa, Chihiro Matsui and Ken Takeuchi, “Tiny and error-tolerant ConvLSTM for event-based vision sensor with optimized event representation and ReRAM computation-in-memory,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP), vol. 62, pp. SC1068, February 14, 2023.

HOME NEWS Two Journal Publications at Japanese Journal of Applied Physics(JJAP)(February 6-14, 2023)